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Privacy Policy

I. Introduction

N’Fuze Rx, LLC d/b/a Reset Lab and its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “Company” or “We”) respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it through our compliance with this Privacy Policy.  This Policy describes the types of information we may collect from you or that you may provide when you visit the website (our “Website”) and our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information.  This Policy is incorporated into and is a part of this Website’s Terms of Use.

This Policy applies to information we collect through our website, email, text, and other electronic messages, mobile apps, and in connection with our blogs, alerts, newsletters, social media sites, and other communication services.

Please read this Policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your information and how we will treat it. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, your choice is not to use our website. By accessing or using this Website, you agree to this Policy. This Policy may change from time to time (see Changes to Privacy Policy). Your continued use of this Website after we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes, so please check the Policy periodically for updates.

II. Information Collected

We collect several types of information from and about users of our website.  We collect this information either directly from you when you provide it to us or automatically as you navigate through the Website.  The information collected can include:

  • Personal identifying information such as name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, or any other identifier by which you may be contacted online or offline (“Personal Information”);
  • Information about your internet connection, the equipment you use to access our website, and usage details.
  • Information that you provide by filling in forms on our website. This includes information provided at the time of making an appointment or requesting further services. We may also ask you for information when you enter a contest or promotion sponsored by us, and when you report a problem with our Website.
  • Records and copies of your correspondence (including email addresses), if you contact us.
  • Information relating to your search queries on the Website; and
  • Protected Health Information (“PHI”) as defined and regulated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

III. Rights Regarding Your Protected Health Information

This section explains your rights regarding your Protected Health Information. These rights include:

  • Get an electronic or paper copy of your medical record
    • You can ask to see or get an electronic or paper copy of your medical record and other PHI we have about you. Ask us how to do this.
    • We will provide a copy or a summary of your health information, usually within 30 days of your request. We may charge a reasonable, cost-based fee.
  • Ask us to correct your medical record
    • You can ask us to correct PHI about you that you think is incorrect or incomplete. Ask us how to do this.
    • We may say “no” to your request, but we’ll tell you why in writing within 60 days.
  • Request confidential communications
    • You can ask us to contact you in a specific way (for example, home or office phone) or to send mail to a different address.
    • We will say “yes” to all reasonable requests.
  • Ask us to limit what we use or share
    • You can ask us not to use or share certain PHI for treatment, payment, or our operations. We are not required to agree to your request, and we may say “no” if it would affect your care.
    • If you pay for a service or health care item out-of-pocket in full, you can ask us not to share that information for the purpose of payment or our operations with your health insurer. We will say “yes” unless a law requires us to share that information.
  • Get a list of those with whom we’ve shared information
    • You can ask for a list (accounting) of the times we’ve shared your PHI for six years prior to the date you ask, who we shared it with, and why.
    • We will include all the disclosures except for those about treatment, payment, and health care operations, and certain other disclosures (such as any you asked us to make). We’ll provide one accounting a year for free but will charge a reasonable, cost-based fee if you ask for another one within 12 months.
  • Get a copy of this privacy notice
    • You can ask for a paper copy of this notice at any time, even if you have agreed to receive the notice electronically. We will provide you with a paper copy promptly.
  • Choose someone to act for you
    • If you have given someone medical power of attorney or if someone is your legal guardian, that person can exercise your rights and make choices about your health information.
    • We will make sure the person has this authority and can act for you before we take any action.
  • File a complaint if you feel your rights are violated
    • You can complain if you feel we have violated your rights by contacting us using the contact information below.
    • You can file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights by sending a letter to 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201, calling 1-877-696-6775, or visiting gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/complaints/.

We will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint.

IV. Cookies

Our Website uses cookies to enhance the quality and structure of the website and enhance your browsing experience. By using our website and agreeing to this Policy, you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this Policy.

A cookie is a small file placed on the hard drive of your computer. You may refuse to accept browser cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your browser. However, if you select this setting you may be unable to access certain parts of our Website. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you direct your browser to our Website.

V. Use and Disclosure of Your Information

A. Use of Information Excluding Protected Health Information

We can use information that we collect about you or that you provide to us, including any personal information but excluding protected health information, as follows:

  • To present our Website and its contents to you.
  • To provide you with information, products, or services that you request from us.
  • To fulfill any other purpose for which you provide it.
  • To carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us, including for billing and collection.
  • To notify you about changes to our Website or any products or services we offer or provide though it.
  • To contact you about our own and third-parties’ goods and services that may be of interest to you.
  • To enable us to display advertisements to our advertisers’ target audiences. Even though we do not disclose your personal information for these purposes without your consent, if you click on or otherwise interact with an advertisement, the advertiser may assume that you meet its target criteria.
  • In any other way we may describe when you provide the information.
  • For any other purpose with your consent.

B. Disclosure of Information Excluding Protected Health Information

We may disclose aggregated information about our users, and information that does not identify any individual, without restriction.  We may disclose personal information that we collect or you provide as described in this Policy:

  • To our subsidiaries and affiliates.
  • To contractors, service providers, and other third parties we use to support our business.
  • To a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which personal information about our Website users is among the assets transferred.
  • To third parties to market their products or services to you if you have not opted out of these disclosures.
  • To fulfill the purpose for which you provide it.
  • For any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information.
  • To comply with any court order, law, or legal process, including responding to any government or regulatory request.
  • To enforce or apply our terms of use and other agreements, including for billing and collection purposes.
  • If we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of the Company, our customers, or others.

C. Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information

We agree not to use or disclose Protected Health Information (“PHI”), other than as permitted or required by law.  We agree to use appropriate safeguards, and comply with applicable rules regarding PHI to prevent unauthorized use or disclosure of your PHI.

We may use and share your PHI for the following reasons:

  • To treat you: We can use your PHI and share it with other professionals who are treating you.
  • To run our organization: We can use and share your PHI to run our practice, improve your care, and contact you when necessary.
  • To bill for services: We can use and share your PHI to bill and get payment from health plans or other entities.

We are allowed or required to share your PHI in other ways – usually in ways that contribute to the public good, such as public health and research. We have to meet many conditions in the law before we can share your PHI for these purposes.

For additional information, please see:

Additional examples of when we may disclose your PHI include:

  • To help with public health and safety issues; we can share PHI about you for certain situations such as:
    • Preventing disease
    • Helping with product recalls
    • Reporting adverse reactions to medications
    • Reporting suspected abuse, neglect, or domestic violence
    • Preventing or reducing a serious threat to anyone’s health or safety.
  • We can use or share your information for health research.
  • To comply with the law: We will share information about you if state or federal laws require it, including with the Department of Health and Human Services if it wants to see that we’re complying with federal privacy law.
  • To respond to organ and tissue donation requests: We can share PHI about you with organ procurement organizations.
  • To work with a medical examiner or funeral director: We can share PHI with a coroner, medical examiner, or funeral director when an individual dies.
  • To address workers’ compensation, law enforcement, and other government requests
    • For workers’ compensation claims
    • For law enforcement purposes or with a law enforcement official
    • With health oversight agencies for activities authorized by law
    • For special government functions such as military, national security, and presidential protective services.
  • To respond to lawsuits and legal actions: We can share PHI about you in response to a court or administrative order, or in response to a subpoena.

VI. Your Choices About Your Information

We strive to provide you with choices regarding the personal information you provide to us. We have created mechanisms to provide you with the following control over your information:

  • Tracking Technologies and Advertising. You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If you disable or refuse cookies, please note that some parts of this site may then be inaccessible or not function properly.
  • Disclosure of Your Information for Third-Party Advertising. If you do not want us to share your personal information with unaffiliated or non-agent third parties for promotional purposes, you can opt-out by sending us an email stating your request to
  • Promotional Offers from the Company. If you do not wish to have your contact information used by the Company to promote our own or third parties’ products or services, you can opt-out by sending us an email stating your request to If we have sent you a promotional email, you may send us a return email asking to be omitted from future email distributions.
  • Protected Health Information. We will not sell your PHI or use your PHI for marketing purposes unless you give us written permission. You also have the right and choice to tell us to:
    • Share PHI with your family, close friends, or others involved in your care
    • Share PHI in a disaster relief situation
    • Include your information in a hospital directory.

VII. Data Security

We have implemented measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure. All information you provide to us is stored on our secure servers behind firewalls. Any payment transactions will be encrypted using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology.
Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information transmitted to our Website. Any transmission of personal information is at your own risk. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the Website.

VIII. Changes To Privacy Policy

It is our policy to post any changes we make to our Policy on this page. If we make material changes to how we treat our users’ personal information, we will notify you through a notice on the Website home page. The date this Policy was last revised is identified at the top of the page. You are responsible for periodically visiting our Website and this Policy to check for any changes.

IX. Governing Law

Any issue arising out of this Policy shall be governed, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to its conflict of laws rules. Any dispute arising out of this Policy or information within in it shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located in Palm Beach County, Florida.

X. Questions & Feedback

We welcome your questions, comments, and concerns about privacy. Please send us any and all feedback pertaining to privacy or any other issue. To ask questions or comment about this Policy and our privacy practices, please contact us via email at

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